Happy New Year
Thursday, December 31, 2009
This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!
William Arthur Ward
Happy New Year Buddies............
Thank you so much for all your support n encouragement, that makes me to cook, makes me to blog, makes me to feel happy. My day starts with my blogging and ends with my blogging. I used to blog on oracle since 3 years.. After getting married, i was all alone n nothing to do, i lost all my grip on oracle in jus 1 year.. It scared me a lot n made me to think.Lately, i been cooking good n with the inspiration from fellow bloggers, i started a blog on October 2'nd of 2009. '
Especially, i would like to thank EC Simple Indian Food for publishing about my blog on December 2'nd 2009 as a budding blogger.
Time is too fast n that we are already entering into an another prosperous new year It' s may be a another day, but its a celebration of hope, its a joy of better tomorrow n moreover its a new day.
I hope this new year will be a memorable year to everybody..
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Welcome 2010