Vegetable marathon Event Announcement and an entry..
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cranberry chutney goes to Nithu's Think Beyond the usual-Fruits of Nithu's kitchen
Coming to Event Announcement..
As all you guys know that an event named Vegetable Marathon is going on in my blog. The current event-Vegetable marathon-Eggplant has completing its journey in vegetable marathon by 11 of this month.. So another vegetable is getting ready for its place to race in marathon..
This vegetable is low in Saturated Fat and Sodium, and very low in Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Copper and Manganese. This vegetable belong to the legume family of the vegetable group. Its none another than Beans...
Beans can be eaten raw, sprouted or cooked, ground into flour, curdled into tofu, fermented into soya sauce, tempi and miso. They are excellent in chilis, soups and salads. Main thing i love about beans is-- ZERO CHOLESTEROL
Types of Beans:
Adzuki Beans
Black Beans
Black eyed Peas
Broad beans-fava Beans
Butter Beans
Calico Beans
Cannellini Beans
Chick Peas- Garbanzo beans
Cranberry Beans
Great Northern Beans
Italian Beans
Kidney Beans
Lima Beans
Mung Beans
Navy Beans
Pinto Beans
Soy Beans
Split peas
White Beans
Green Beans
I am including types of beans as per of my knowledge. If i am missing any kind of beans, please let me know..
Beans - Bean Calories & Nutritional Information on Varieties of Beans
Calories in Beans Based on 1 Cup of Cooked Beans
Bean Variety | Calories | Protein | Fat | Carbs | Fiber | Calcium | Iron | Potassium |
Fava Beans (Broadbeans) | 187 cal | 12.92 g | 0.68 g | 33.40 g | 9.2 g | 61 mg | 2.55 mg | 456 mg |
Lima Beans, canned | 176 cal | 10.10 g | 0.72 g | 33.06 g | 13 g | 70 mg | 4.00 mg | 706 mg |
Mung Beans, canned | 15 cal | 1.75 g | 0.07 g | 2.67 g | 0.16 g | 18 mg | 0.54 mg | 34 mg |
Navy Beans | 258 cal | 15.8 g | 0.10 g | 15.8 g | 10 g | 128 mg | 4.5 mg | 670 mg |
Pinto Beans | 235 cal | 15.8 g | 0.10 g | 44 g | 7 g | 81 mg | 4.5 mg | 495 mg |
Shellie Beans | 74 cal | 4.31 g | 0.47 g | 15.17 g | 8.3 g | 71 mg | 2.43 mg | 267 mg |
Green Beans, Snap | 36 cal | 2 g | 0.24 g | 8.40 g | 3.6 g | 58 mg | 2.16 mg | 220 mg |
Lima Beans | 209 cal | 11.58 g | 0.54 g | 40.19 g | 9.0 g | 54 mg | 4.17 mg | 969 mg |
Adzuki Beans | 294 cal | 17.30 g | 0.23 g | 56.97 g | 16.8 g | 64 mg | 4.60 mg | 1,224 mg |
Black Beans | 227 cal | 15.24 g | 0.93 g | 40.78 g | 15.0 g | 46 mg | 3.61 mg | 611 mg |
Cranberry Beans | 241 cal | 16.53 g | 0.81 g | 43.29 g | 17.7 g | 88 mg | 3.70 mg | 685 mg |
Great Northern Beans | 209 cal | 14.74 g | 0.80 g | 37.33 g | 12.4 g | 120 mg | 3.77 mg | 692 mg |
Kidney Beans - all varieties | 225 cal | 15.35 g | 0.89 g | 40.36 g | 11.3 g | 50 mg | 5.20 mg | 713 mg |
Pink Beans | 252 cal | 15.31 g | 0.83 g | 47.17 g | 9.0 g | 88 mg | 3.89 mg | 859 mg |
Chick Peas (Garbanzo Beans) | 269 cal | 14.53 g | 4.25 g | 44.97 g | 12.5 g | 80 mg | 4.74 mg | 477 mg |
Coming to rules for Participation:
1) Prepare any dish with Beans as main ingredient. It can be either Vegetarian or non-vegetarian.
2) You can send as many recipes as you want.
3) I will accept the old entries, if they are updated and reposted with the logo n link back to Vegetable Marathon-Beans event.
4) Vegetable Marathon is an interminable event.. So i would like to take help from my fellow bloggers to host this event. If you would like to host this event starting from MAY 1st . Please send an email to or drop a comment here with your BLOG URL. I will update it regularly. Check here for host line up
5) Pls link your post to the event announcement and please feel free to use logo.. Post's without link back to this event would not be a part of the roundup.
6) Round up will be done after first week of event end date.
7) With a wide variety of beans to choose, i am extending this event for 2 months, i.e From March 10 th to May 10th
8) Send Your entries to with subject as Veg-Mar-Beans with following details:
Your Name:
Blog's Name:
Blog's URL:
Recipe Name:
Type of Beans:
Blog's Name:
Blog's URL:
Recipe Name:
Type of Beans:
Link to the Recipe or URL:
Snapshot of the Recipe:
Snapshot of the Recipe:
I would appreciate a lot, if you name the picture of the dish by the dish name, and the category it belongs,that you are sending me in email.
Recipes from those who do not blog are accepted. Pls do mail them to my email id-- with your recipe details n a picture of the dish.
*** Those who are hosting vegetable marathon, please announce the event 2-3 days before 10 th of every month and they need to publish logo on their blog.
*** Those who are hosting vegetable marathon, please announce the event 2-3 days before 10 th of every month and they need to publish logo on their blog.
Thanks will send some recipes soon.
Dear silpa
you have selected a very nice subject..I wish i could participate. It will be a great successs.
have a nice week
Beans are my fav too..i am in this event for sure..
this is a nice theme..will try to send some of my entries..good luck.
Coiunt me in too:)
Will send some entries soon.
Hey nice event yaar. i will send some of mine.
just landed on ur ste accidently when i was goin thru site and m intersted in participating in this event so pls let me know if i can ,thanx
nice event, will send in a recipe soon.
nice event.. sure ll sen some recipes..
Take a look at my blog
wen i search some recipes i saw ur event...
Thanks for hosting!! looking forward to being a part of it.
we r new bloggers..nice event..gr8 theme..
Nice event and I will give send my entry too...I am very new to this food blog..please do visit my blog when u have time :)
Nice event.Sure to participate.
Interesting idea!
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